Monday, November 30, 2009

Existential emergency

Shit, guys. I just discovered the weirdest thing. I'm at a complete loss for words (except for all the ones I'm about to say). Seriously, anything I've ever thought was weird and uncomfortable before? Completely fucking forgettable compared to this.

I have an imposter.

You read that right. Someone out there has been pretending to be me on the internet, and has been UPDATING A FAKE BLOG FROM MY PERSPECTIVE FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH.

What the-- what am I supposed to do?! I can't even think! This is insane. This is just...shit, it even has readers. The fucking thing has comments from my friends responding to my posts, but it's NOT FUCKING ME. Who does this? Who fucking knows this much about me?

I don't know whether to be flattered or freaked out. I guess I'm a little of both, I guess. No, a lot of both. I'm very flattered -- it's kind of like I'm famous or something, right? And I'm a whole fucking lot freaked out.

I'm not sure where to proceed from here. Do I ignore it? Do I keep updating my own blog in the hopes that my true friends will know I'm the real Gui? Do I just...stop? I still can't think. My blogosphere has been turned upside down. I need to go suck on a Ritter Sport and spit it out before I ingest too much sugar. Updates to follow.*

*Or are they? Who even knows anymore?!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving hiatus

Oh, last night ended up being kind of fun, I guess. We invited Eliza and Nathan and friends over and drank and played board games. I like being really belligerent about games until everyone else gives up and I win (see, the problem with Smash is that it's impossible to do that), so I'm in a good mood again. Happy Thanksgiving! See you after the break.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 3


Nothing good is happening.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 2

People are going out again tonight. I give up. Falling asleep to LCD Soundsystem fucking blasting from my laptop is more entertaining than anything anyone else is doing.

The worst is all the lovely weather.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 1

It's already happening. I just found out I have to go to La Negrita tonight for what will definitely turn out to be a boring, unoriginal, and un-entertaining time. Drinking at bars with friends? That's all anyone could come up with? Fuck. Why do they even try?

This week is going to suck

Thanksgiving is on Thursday, which means everyone's going to be boring and stupid and waiting for Thanksgiving for the next three days. It's so lame. I guarantee you nothing fun will happen.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Okay, now I really need them to come back

Milo and I don't really know how to clean all this birthday aftermath up. We washed a pot to make Annie's Mac and Cheese today, but now it's dirty again, and so is everything else, and we're lost and confused and don't know what to do.

This looks exactly like it did 48 hours ago.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vindication, motherfuckers

Not that I've been checking scores, but Yale just lost in the fourth quarter. Suck it, assholes! Eat my poop!

I've been abandoned

Bert, Lili, and Connie are all in New Haven watching the Harvard-Yale Game. Ugh. Who watches sports when the Denver Nuggets aren't involved? I hope Yale loses in the fourth quarter. That'll teach them for not inviting me to come along. Not that I would, because, again, who watches sports when the Denver Nuggets aren't involved?

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm old

Because it's my birthday,
I present this acrostic
Reporting, dear readers,
That I'm the fucking man, dick!
Happy 2-0 to this guy--
Dude's too awesome for words
And with Pork skills so nasty,
You'll be faked out in herds.

Please give me cool presents
Or at least let me win Smash.
Eat my ass, do my homework--
My big day's here at last!

Bert made this for me. And put it on my Facebook. Touché, Alphonso Chen.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

I'm almost old

It's my birthday tomorrow. Man, I can't believe I'm turning 20.

Well, I can believe I'm turning 20, because I'm 19 now, and it's my birthday tomorrow, and I'm not, like, some kind of moping idiot that goes around complaining about how 20 means not being a teenager or a free-spirited child or whatever anymore. Dick.

No, I'm just confused because I think I might have to start celebrating or something pretty soon, but all I really want to do is sit here watching Ninjavideo and drifting off to sleep early to the sweet, soothing sounds of It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia without a care in the world.

Actually, that's not a bad idea. See you on the flip side, suckers.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Super Smash Bros.: a theory

Maybe I'm bad at Smash because I haven't been making the right gaming faces. We played again after practice tonight, and despite there being many newcomers, I was still the worst by far. I was so bad that I got frustrated, stopped playing, and started watching people play instead. I concluded several things.

While Bert and I both make similar open-mouthed concentrating faces, he maintains his throughout the entire game, while mine tends to waver and change at times. I don't know how he does it -- must've taken years of practice. But it also seems like it definitely helps him.

Note how his barely changes while mine is all over the place. What a pro.

I also tend not to hold my game face while watching other people game. I think this has been a mistake. Bert watches third-party matches with almost the same intense game face he exhibits while he plays; I definitely have to start reminding myself to stay in the zone.

We'll see how I do next time around. It's been a pretty rough night, but with a little facial tweaking, I think I'll finally get it.

What not to do.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nyah hah hah hah

I made this today. And put it on Bert's Facebook. Oh yeah! This is so funny. I got him so good. I got him so good, I most certainly am the man.

Flock of Berts!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I feel a little better

Now it's time for bed. I think I'll have myself a Natty Ice.

...Yeah, now that I said that, I guess I have to. And I guess I'll shotgun it, too. Yeah! Beer!


I just realized Sally was at our party. She texted me! Why did I pass out so early? Now I'm sad.

I will console myself with copious amounts of Cheez-Its and TV.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Something weird and wonderful just happened to me

I had an action-packed day today. I woke up at 2 PM, which is pretty early for a weekend, and went downtown to see a friend for lunch. Then -- and this is where it gets weird -- I met up with Bert and Milo to go to this art exhibit called Zee. I can't find the exact words to describe it, but imagine for a moment that you spend twenty minutes getting skull-fucked by an incredible geometric projector-fog illusion, then go meet up with Lili and Genevieve for a lovely Thanksgiving dinner home-cooked by Milo's mom. I'd say that's pretty close.

Am I having a seizure? Am I dead? No way to tell.

...We're a happy family!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Something weird and uncomfortable just happened to me

Woah. There's no good way to explain what just happened, so I'll just say it -- I've been cleaning for the past four hours of my life.

Sure, I'm excited for this party, which is probably why I wanted to make the suite look presentable. But this wasn't just some throw-shit-in-the-garbage, get-my-dirty-laundry-off-the-couch, cursory little cleaning job. I scrubbed the sink. And the stove. I fucking ran out of paper towels and started using toilet paper. What the hell is wrong with me?

The weirdest part is, it wasn't like anyone forced me to do it. Hardly anyone was even around. In fact, they probably realized we're having a party tonight and aren't cleaning on purpose because they know they'd just have to clean again tomorrow. There's really no plausible excuse for this kind of behavior.

I'm so lost and confused. Please, someone, anyone, tell me what I've become! I think it felt good. I'm scared. Do cleaning?

I'm gonna win

We're having a party tonight. Oh yeah.
It's a Lobster Rage Fist party. Oh yeah.
We're taping Natty Ice to the walls. Oh yeah.
And I'm hosting a Pork/Porquay Pre-Game with a really cheap buy-in so lots of people get to play and I get to fucking school them all. Oh yeah!

Once I incorporate these lobster hands into my fakes, I'll truly be unstoppable.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I have Google Wave, bitches

Eat my ass. Look what Lili took a screenshot of:

My first wave. (I'm awesome.)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

She's probably even a 3.5, or maybe a 4

I'm seeing Sally tonight! I mean, we're not meeting up or anything. But I'm going to a party that she's Maybe Attending on Facebook, and so are two of her friends, so I'm pretty sure she'll show up.

God, she's so cute. I don't normally rate cuties that high on the scale, but she's definitely up there. Oh yeah, dude. Definitely.

I forgot what else I was going to say.

I took a nap just so I could see you in my dreams, Sally.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Oh yeah

Also, it was Dan's birthday today and we made Funfetti cake and I had waaay too much sugar. Ugh.

Happy diabetes, Waldo.

Today is the day for that rant

I have to go out to La Negrita tonight. I do NOT want to go. Why are people constantly inviting me to things? It's always, like, some random group of people who act like they're more than just acquaintances, and it's impossible to say no and not be rude. Ugh. It's almost like they want to be friends.

I mean, I'm sure I'll have fun tonight. But this happens constantly. Oh, and Facebook -- don't get me started on Facebook.

Too late. I'm already started. Facebook invitations are the worst. Why do you want me to come eat free food and socialize at your lame club event, Girl I Once Had Class With? What, do you think I'm actually gonna go to this benefit concert all the way in fucking Wien? What do I get if I go, some chips and salsa? A t-shirt? A sense of brotherhood and accomplishment for having supported a wonderful cause in a fun way? Gay. I'm unfriending you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I participate in fall cleaning

Today everyone cleaned again. Ugh. I like that the suite's clean now, but the fact that I came in in the middle of that whole messy cleaning process made me have to pretend to participate. I threw a few things away, sure, but after my laundry experience, I just couldn't get into it.

I did, however, go through my Facebook and clean that up a lot. I narrowed down my pictures to just the top 110. So if, say, Sally's wandering around online one day and decides to look me up, she'll only get the best of the best of me. I hate that people tag me in so many dumb pictures. Ugh, it's almost as bad as getting invited to events I don't want to go to. But that's a rant for another day. For now, here are some awesome pictures I decided to keep tagged:

I'm the man.

I'm the man.

I'm the man.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sally is a major cutie

I ran into Sally* in the EC elevators last night. I only interacted with her for the 8.5 seconds it took to ride the elevator up, but it was magical. She's so pretty and smart and cute and great. I would doink her in a heartbeat if I had a chance. Or if doinking only took 8.5 seconds.

*name changed to protect anonymity

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Peanut butter fist

Oh, I almost forgot! Today, they gave us this huge container of peanut butter at the fields, and all I could think about was putting my entire fist in it, pulling it out, and sitting on the couch guzzling peanut butter off my hand. That'd be so sick, dude.

I'ma eatchu, lil' munchkin.

Ass-eating accomplished

15-9 over NYU -- ass was eaten.
14-5 over James Madison -- ass was devoured.

In the end, we lost universe point to Delaware in finals, but I'm surprisingly okay emotionally. I think this is because on the ride back home, we came up with sick names for every one of this year's Winter League teams:
  • The Alphonso Chens
  • The Alb0rt Ch0ns
  • The Dongleberts
  • Flock of Berts
Tentative jersey designs include Bert's face with a mustache, Bert's face on a bird, and Bert's face in a repeating paisley pattern across the entire front and back of a shirt.

N0mn0mn0m, I'm Alb0rt Ch0n. Put my face on your clothes, bitch.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Score report and snore report

Beat Temple and Princeton; lost to James Madison 11-10. We're playing James Madison tomorrow, though, and I fully expect to fuck them up.

I have to go downtown to (Le) Poisson Rouge now. But I'm so tired! Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh. I just wanna smoke, go to sleep, and prepare for NYU to eat my ass. Updates to follow.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Watching the game is making me too excited. I can't wait to play tomorrow. We haven't played Pork in forever and I can't wait to play sports. I love sports. I'm gonna focus, gonna play some sick D, gonna OH MY GOD DWYANE WADE IS SUCH A SCRUB!!! SUCK IT, BITCH!!!!!!!!

NYU can eat my ass

I'm so pumped for this weekend's tournament, man. I've been visualizing a few throws and practicing a few pivots -- oh man, there's this nasty inside-out forehand I'm gonna try, and I'm just gonna kill it. LET'S GO!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More like video LAME

I'm sad. Bert and Milo and Dan keep hanging out and playing video games. First it was HoN, then MarioKart, and now Smash. They know how bad I am at video games! Ugh, even Connie's better than I am. I bet Genevieve and Lili would be, too, if they ever tried. I hope they don't. I can't be the worst.

Anyway, today they were playing for so long that I ended up doing my econ homework -- the entire problem set! Can you believe it? Then I got tired and fell asleep on the table. Don't get me wrong; I love playing video games. I was even the one who bought our N64. But being bad at stuff sucks.

I'm so cute! I'm dreaming of the Super Smash Bros. Eating my ass.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Lighting shit on fire: an American pastime

There are a few things you can do when you find Milo's bottle of 151 just sitting around the suite, but surprisingly, siphoning it into a flask for later and pretending to Milo that you have no idea what happened isn't first on the list. What is? Lighting shots on fire and watching them burn out, of course!

Smokin'! Also, there's a shotglass on fire.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


They're back! I have friends!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm fucking bored

Ugh, everyone's gone for fall break. I guess I'll take a brief hiatus from blogging. There's nothing to write about, anyway. No one's here to entertain me. No one's even home. No Bert to warn against soda! No Milo to pork! The only way this suite could get farther from normal is if Dan showed up. I'm all alone, NinjaVideo my only friend.